Analogue and digital – we aim to count on connecting as an intelligent support of your way into the forest. Become a researcher and discoverer, let your children assist and support you and discover intensely and close up the animal world and nature park.
The mobile APPs “Waldr-APP” and “Forschen im Almtal” will bring closer the animal world in the Alm Valley, for young and old.
To inspire the youth for nature is one of the main emphasis of the research station.
“Children will become competent researchers. We receive reliable observation data and the pupils are able to expose their curiosity”.
Didone Frigero, project manager
The App is available only in German language.
A few decades ago natural phenomena every year such as: leaf development, blossom, ripeness of fruit return of the swallows or agricultural necessities were documented. In view of climate change we are currently experiencing a revival of this documentation and surveillance of development in nature and will be very important for nature and climate research in future.
The APP “nature calendar of the nature parks Upper Austria” informs you about the flight of the brimstone butterfly, the ripeness of prunes and many more specifics of the 3 Upper Austrian nature parks throughout the year. For those who continuously observe plants, insects on leaves, blossoms or paws can define for themselves how climate change effects animals and plants and as such contribute to the research necessary in the realms of climate change.
(the APP is only available in German language)