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Package deals and excursion tips

in the Traunsee-Almtal region

The dream lake for everyone

Here, the hills of the Alpine foothills merge picturesquely into the magnificent mountain world of the Northern Limestone Alps and in the midst of this splendor lie the two lakes that give the area its name, the crystal-clear Traunsee and the green-turquoise Almsee.

Here you will find the right vacation offer for every season!

Hotels and accommodations

Would you like to enjoy the Traunsee-Almtal region on a guided tour?

Then you've come to the right place!

The Traunsee-Almtal region, nestled in the picturesque backdrop of the European Capital of Culture region of the Salzkammergut in the Austrian Alps, offers a wealth of fascinating guided tours. You will gain a unique insight into the rich nature, historic towns and breathtaking mountain and lake landscapes.

Book a guided tour now!

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City Guide | Austria Guide

City Guide | Austria Guide

To the Guides

Nature mediator

Nature mediator

The intermediaries
© SalzkammergutWandernPaerchenKleinerSchoenbergTraunsee_OberoesterreichTourismusGmbHNicoleKubiak
Wanderung auf den kleinen Schönberg in der Traunsee-Almtal-Region.

Hiking guide

Hiking guide

Our Guides

WALDNESS packages

Experience the healing effects of the forest and be inspired by nature. Get to know the Almtal from its most beautiful side and enjoy our unique offers!

The forest is one of the best places to recharge your batteries
Ernst Fertl

The right program for every day!