© Foto: TVB Traunsee-Almtal/Monika Löff: WALDraum Panorama
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The Idea, network, philosophy and partners

Idea: Forest space is a network and joint development of the high qualification around forest and wood in the Traunsee Almtal region. More than 20 partners contribute to forest space and denote forest expertise at a top level. Forest Space Traunsee Almtal is a forest academy as a decentralised network.

Network: we are unique in Europe and Europe is connected to the world.

A national and international exchange is important to us. We learn from the best and pass our knowledge and love of the forest onto our guests.

Philosophy: respect, esteem and dialog are the foundation for mutual use of the forests by all forest owners, forestry industries, hunting and tourism. The forest is an economic and living environment. Clear codes of behaviour and visitors guidance are the key to further development in the Forest Space Traunsee Almtal. Quality comes before quantity. Forest Space stands for sustainable added value and slow tourism.

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