The Traunsee-Almtal Tourist Office is considered the eastern gateway to the Salzkammergut region.
You’ll find the Traunsee-Almtal Salzkammergut Tourist Office in the heart of Austria. Lake Traunsee is the second-largest lake in Upper Austria and, with a depth of 204 metres, the deepest lake in Austria. The Almtal valley can be described as Austria’s largest forest region and is the first Waldness destination in Europe. The Traunsee-Almtal Salzkammergut Tourist Office covers the communities of Altmünster, Ebensee, Gmunden, Traunkirchen, Grünau, Scharnstein, St. Konrad, Vorchdorf, Bad Wimbsbach, Pettenbach, Laakirchen, Pinsdorf, Ohlsdorf, Gschwandt and Kirchham. Even the ancient Romans recognised the enchanting effect of Lake Traunsee and called it ‘lacus felix’, the happy lake. The Traunsee-Almtal Salzkammergut region offers art and culture, traditions and customs, as well as unlimited sports and hiking opportunities, but also space and time to simply relax and unwind.
Please get in touch for more information.
Legal contact information
Tourismusverband Traunsee-Almtal