A walk into a nearly forgotten history
A ruin tells its story:
What you, dear hiker (visitor), can still see of me today is a meager remnant of my former, proud splendor. The remains of my walls were used as a quarry and houses were built from them in the valley below.
Yes, it was just bad that I burned down completely in January 1538. I have never really recovered since then. Only during the Peasant Wars around 1626 and then later when the Turks threatened our country, I think that was around 1683, when I regained hope. But unfortunately, the peasants did not occupy me, but the new castle on Schäferleithen, and so they only had all kinds of war equipment stored with me just in case. Well, at least there were three heavy bakeries, including cannons, and 17 pieces of artillery, 10 muskets, 14 halberds, and even 500 stone balls. For the commandant there was even a gilded sword in my armory and 55 balaclavas.
Audioguide Story form the castle Scharnstein about the project
"Xplore Energy Traunsteinregion" - erlebniswege.klima.energie
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Accessible free of charge at any time.
From the parking lot after Haus Tießenbach 43 there is now a driving ban, with the exception of cyclists! Please use the signposted parking spaces at Museum Geyerhammer!
Please get in touch for more information.