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Wooden materials for schools

Digital School Books “all around forest and wood”

In cooperation with the regional work experience institute Austria, the ministry for agriculture and forestry, ecology and water the association for forests in Austria is bringing their multi functionality into the classrooms of primary schools.


The extended school file is electronically available at www.rundumwaldundholz.at thus various working materials can be downloaded free of charge. The file is designed to help children understand and show an interest in forests and forestry. It offers various different tasks and gives advice for project orientated open lessons using materials for self determined learning.

The school file as a wood case

It is possible for primary schools to order the school file in the form of a wooden case, which includes learning materials made from ecological materials such as PEFC certified wood. The wooden cases were not only produced respecting ecological materials but considering social aspects and regulations and were thus produced in the disabled carpentry in Ternitz.

Further information, downloads and ordering


The information is only available in German.


Tree land

Area planning is extensively looked into in schools with a forestry economical focus. The game is well suited for topics covering diverse issues. Many of the competencies learned need a prior knowledge and background of natural sciences and enhance social and communicative skills. The learning materials and the game Tree Land were designed with a concept to learning sustainable development. These are developed to give people the possibility to actively form their surroundings and future and give learning space. Area planning is an important instrument for decisions on developing sustainable living environments. The knowledge required for making these decisions in future can be promoted and reflected in the game.

The game and documentation is only available in German.
