
Petri Heil in the region of Traunsee-Almtal

Whether Traun, Ager or Alm, here you will find all the information from A-Z about fish and fishing in the region.

Fishing map Upper Austria

Fishing permits of the province of Upper Austria are issued upon application by the Upper Austrian Provincial Fishing Association if the requirements are met. They are valid for an unlimited period!


  • min. 12 years of age
  • legal, theoretical and practical knowledge (fishing aptitude)
  • declaration of the applicant that there is no reason for refusal
  • written examination


Fishing Guest Card Upper Austria

How to get a fishing guest card:

  • at least 12 years old
  • max. 2 fishing guest cards per calendar year

Children under the age of 12 are allowed to fish in Upper Austria under the supervision of a supervisor of full age who has a valid fishing card and license. The supervisor is responsible for compliance with fishing regulations.

What to consider:

  • valid for max. 3 weeks

Licenses & Kids

Children under 12 years of age may fish only under the supervision of an adult supervisor who has a valid fishing card and license.

License means the permission of the person authorized to fish in a certain area.  Depending on the area, the license is issued in the form of daily, weekly, monthly and annual licenses.