© Foto: TVB Traunsee-Almtal/Panorama Traunstein

Route 52 Laakirchen - Kirchham - St. Konrad - Scharnstein

Laakirchen - Moorbad Gmös - Kirchham - St. Konrad - Hagenmühle - Scharnstein.

Daily from 07:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. every half hour, also on Sundays and public holidays.

Registration for small groups and families from 5 persons up to max. 8 persons at least one day in advance.

The partner companies of Traunstein Taxi normally use taxi cars with a maximum capacity of 4 people.

Call at least 1 half hour before the start of the journey with caller ID +43 (0) 50 - 422 422!!!

Departure every full & half hour from the starting point and from the end point!

Change possibilities to the OÖVV bus lines in Laakirchen Rathausplatz and Scharnstein Ortsmitte and other stops, change possibilities to the Traunsee Tram from Stern & Hafferl in Kirchham and Eisengattern as well as to the ÖBB Almtalbahn railway in Scharnstein, Viechtwang station and Scharnstein-Mühldorf station.

Route 52

To the route map


Adults: EUR 6,00

Children (6-14 years): EUR 3,00

Adults: EUR 3,50

Children (6-14 years): EUR 1.50

boarding point up to max. 3 stations

Infants up to 6 years free of charge!

Request booster seat or child seat when ordering the taxi!

Bicycle transport is not possible with taxi transport!

Mindestens 1 Stunde vor Fahrtbeginn mit Anruferkennung +43 (0) 50 - 422 422 anrufen!!


Wir sind telefonisch täglich 6:00 bis 19:00 Uhr für Sie erreichbar.

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