Occupational therapists are experts when it comes to coping with everyday life. If such activities in daily life are only restricted or no longer possible, e.g. due to an illness or an accident, occupational therapists try to restore them, to adapt them or to enable them again with aids.
When do you need occupational therapy:
If you are looking for health-promoting and / or ergonomic advice for your everyday life and workplace. "Ergon" comes from the Greek and means "to act, be active, work ...". Occupational therapy is prescribed by general practitioners, specialists or in hospitals. I am an occupational therapist for adults and make house calls in the Gmunden and Kirchdorf districts.
I am an elective therapist for all health insurance companies. I look forward to working with you.
Completely suitable for wheelchairs. The object complies with the legally stipulated ÖNORM.