We recommend that you travel by public transport!
Bus-train information
By train: Arrival with the Vorchdorfer Bahn 160 from Stern & Hafferl. So you can use the direct connection to Vorchdorf or Lambach.
by bus: OÖVV bus line 504
Nedyharting - Bad Wimsbach - Stadl-Paura - Lambach - Edt bei Lambach - Gunskirchen - Wels
with the Traunstein taxi:
Route 80 from Vorchdorf to Bad Wimsbach-Neydharting
Min. Call the taxi center 1 hour in advance on 050-422 1691 or order on the otaxi app.
by bike: on the R 11 from Grünau im Almtal or Wels to the center of Bad Wimsbach-Neydharting
by car:
Motorway A1: Leave the west motorway A1 in Vorchdorf and follow the Pettenbacher Straße to the center of Bad Wimsbach-Neydharting.
Please only use the parking spaces provided and be considerate of private property! Thank you for your fairness!
Please get in touch for more information.