Stunning floodplain forest
South of Wels, not far from the mouth of the Alm, one of the last near-natural floodplains of the Lower Traun stretches out. In the Fischlhamer Au, like a relic of past times, a system of ponds and pools has been preserved, which is supplied by the high groundwater level.
Whoever walks through the Fischlhamer Au discovers here a widely branched out system at the edge of a river, as it was widespread in former times. Today, the floodplain forest is a rare ecosystem that stands out above all for its enormous abundance of amphibians - amphibians, newts, frogs and toads. They find a rare natural habitat in the oxbow ditches, pools and ponds. A popular destination for excursionists and hikers is the so-called "Entenstein", a conglomerate rock covered with vegetation, which presumably broke out of the slope area bordering the Fischlhamer Au long ago and crashed down.
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