We recommend that you travel by public transport!
Bus-train information
By train: Arrival with the Vorchdorfer Bahn 160 from Stern & Hafferl. So you can use the direct connection to Vorchdorf or Lambach.
by bus: OÖVV bus line 504
Nedyharting - Bad Wimsbach - Stadl-Paura - Lambach - Edt bei Lambach - Gunskirchen - Wels
with the Traunstein taxi:
Route 80 from Vorchdorf to Bad Wimsbach-Neydharting
Min. Call the taxi center 1 hour in advance on 050-422 1691 or order on the otaxi app.
by bike: on the R 11 from Grünau im Almtal or Wels to the center of Bad Wimsbach-Neydharting
by car:
Motorway A1: Leave the west motorway A1 in Vorchdorf and follow the Pettenbacher Straße to the center of Bad Wimsbach-Neydharting.
Please only use the parking spaces provided and be considerate of private property! Thank you for your fairness!
Free parking spaces are available at the OptimaMed health resort.
Please get in touch for more information.