Bright, simple accommodation directly on the Alm River with 4 single rooms and common room.
Self-catering, cooking facilities (currently no electric cooker), washing facilities available, TV with cable connection.
In addition, the accommodation is located directly on the Almuferweg. Common room is used by all guests.
The accommodation can also be booked as a whole unit. (subject to availability and arrangement by telephone)
community garden
activities on the mountain
€ 2,40
near a forest, at a hiking path, , , , at the outskirts of the village
Accessibility / arrivalCheck-in and check-out by arrangement
Arrival by car:
From Salzburg A1:
Exit Vorchdorf then halfway towards Pettenbach turn right onto Eggenstein Straße then follow the road until you reach Schule am Fluss.
From Linz/Vienna:
Take the Voralpenkreuz in the direction of Graz onto the A8. Then take the first exit Ried im Traunkreis. Then continue in the direction of Pettenbach, take the first exit at the roundabout just before the town, and also the first exit at the second roundabout. Then on the Pettenbacherstraße in the direction of Vorchdorf after about 3 kilometres turn onto Eggensteinstraße.
Arrival by train: From Vorchdorf train station, take the bus directly to the school. The bus stop is called Eggenstein.
, young people, ,
Please get in touch for more information.
Legal contact information
Schule an der Alm